Back in Buenos Aires
A long trip to here. Arrived at SeaTac in plenty of time, but just as we were about to take off the pilot told us there was a problem with the "reverser". Since we have never flown backwards, we didnt think this was too much of a problem, but we went back to the gate and waited 2 hours for the problem to be fixed. Fortunately we had orginally 2.5 hours to connect with the overnight flight to Buenos Aires, so we made the plane with minutes to spare. We arrived over BA at 9AM as planned, but there was a huge thunderstorm over the airport so we landed in Montevideo Uraguay instead. This was just to take on more fuel so we could fly around Argentina until it was safe to land. Finally arrived a few hours late, but who cares?
Next was the trip from the airport into town. Shuttle $25 (US), Taxi $30 and public bus $0.50 each. So we found the bus stop and rode in style. Walked over to our hotel, and took a nap.
Then out to dinner at a little bistro in the neighborhood. Great simple food, beef stew for CT and what turned out to be fried pork cutlets for me and a nice bottle of Malbec cost $30. Now back at the hotel we are coping with the Latin keyboard to post this. This usually quiet neighborhood (Barrio Ricolleta) is a little rowdy tonight because it is Simcha Torah and the Lebovitchers next door are chanting and singing at high volume, and dropping by to have someome light their cigarette.
Will have no trouble sleeping tonight .
Next was the trip from the airport into town. Shuttle $25 (US), Taxi $30 and public bus $0.50 each. So we found the bus stop and rode in style. Walked over to our hotel, and took a nap.
Then out to dinner at a little bistro in the neighborhood. Great simple food, beef stew for CT and what turned out to be fried pork cutlets for me and a nice bottle of Malbec cost $30. Now back at the hotel we are coping with the Latin keyboard to post this. This usually quiet neighborhood (Barrio Ricolleta) is a little rowdy tonight because it is Simcha Torah and the Lebovitchers next door are chanting and singing at high volume, and dropping by to have someome light their cigarette.
Will have no trouble sleeping tonight .
Yay! So glad to hear you made it there safe! Yeah, the Lubavitchers are getting a little rowdy with us too in downtown Seattle these days.
I mailed the letters yesterday Dad, they should arrive home in a few days. Fernne contacted me and knows that they are coming.
Muchos Besos!!
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