Election night
On the 4th, we ate in at the hostel and started checking the web every few minutes for results. We were following the NY Times page, and tho they were very conservative about calling any state early, we were encouraged but still not daring to hope. Because of the time difference, it was well after midnight before this happened, and others from all over the world were gathered around following too and asking lots of questions. Then, about 3am, as the Times reported 230 electoral votes, Joanne, a teacher from UK, came in from the TV room to say that Argentine TV was declaring Obama the winner. We moved to the TV, not daring to believe, but in just a few minutes McCain came on and started to concede! That´s when we broke out the champagne... CT went to bed about a half hour later, but I stayed glued to the set till almost 5am. After very little sleep and a great phone call from Two Shoes, it was time to get up and catch the bus for Angostura. SC
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